Edubunto live disk - Found apps.

Carlos R Canas Sr crcanassr at
Sun Oct 29 18:51:27 GMT 2006

Thanks, I found the apps. I just had to adjust my monitor.  Now, where can I get catalog of education apps. for EDUBUMBU? MY wife teaches Spanish to 6, 7, and 8th graders and I am preparing a computer for her class.Thanks,Carlos> From: edubuntu-users-request at> Subject: edubuntu-users Digest, Vol 5, Issue 14> To: edubuntu-users at> Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 12:00:27 +0100> > Send edubuntu-users mailing list submissions to> 	edubuntu-users at> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> 	edubuntu-users-request at> > You can reach the person managing the list at> 	edubuntu-users-owner at> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of edubuntu-users digest..."> > > Today's Topics:> >    1. Edubunto live disk (Carlos R Canas Sr)>    2. Re: Edubunto live disk (Andrew)>    3. Re: Edubunto live disk (William Kinghorn)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > Message: 1> Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 00:32:29 -0500> From: Carlos R Canas Sr <crcanassr at>> Subject: Edubunto live disk> To: <edubuntu-users at>> Message-ID: <BAY124-W38C394B00A8CD0622DEF07A1050 at phx.gbl>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"> > I downloaded Edubuntu live disk to review Edubunto for my wife class. I created the live cd and can bot from it. My problem is that when I boot the CD, Edubuntu gives me a choice to install or run the live disk. If I pick this choice, the only thing I get after the OS is loaded, is an icon to install Edubuntu to my hard disk. Since I am only reviewing it I do not want to install it, but I do not get any other choices. I was expecting to have icons for all the available apps. on the live disk without having to install it to my hard disk.I am running windows 2000 pro on my regular PC and I do not want to damage it as windoze is very particular. I have another PC running SuSE and I think I can install the disk on it. I was hopping to use the live disk to demo it at my wife school on one of their PC's without having to install it. As it is now is useless unless I can access the apps.Thanks,Carlos> _________________________________________________________________> Personalize your homepage with the news, weather, and photos you care about. Try it.>> -------------- next part --------------> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...> URL: > > ------------------------------> > Message: 2> Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 15:25:00 +0800> From: Andrew <buionjo at>> Subject: Re: Edubunto live disk> To: edubuntu-users at> Message-ID: <1162020300.5963.4.camel at localhost.localdomain>> Content-Type: text/plain> > On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 00:32 -0500, Carlos R Canas Sr wrote:> > I downloaded Edubuntu live disk to review Edubunto for my wife class.> > I created the live cd and can bot from it. My problem is that when I> > boot the CD, Edubuntu gives me a choice to install or run the live> > disk. If I pick this choice, the only thing I get after the OS is> > loaded, is an icon to install Edubuntu to my hard disk. > > There should be an "Applications" menu in the top left corner of the> screen in a grey menu bar. You should be able to run all the> applications without installing.> > Andrew> > > > > Since I am only reviewing it I do not want to install it, but I do not> > get any other choices. I was expecting to have icons for all the> > available apps. on the live disk without having to install it to my> > hard disk.> > I am running windows 2000 pro on my regular PC and I do not want to> > damage it as windoze is very particular. I have another PC running> > SuSE and I think I can install the disk on it. > > I was hopping to use the live disk to demo it at my wife school on one> > of their PC's without having to install it. As it is now is useless> > unless I can access the apps.> > > > Thanks,> > > > Carlos> > > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________> > Try the next generation of search with Windows LiveT Search today! Try> > it!> > > > > ------------------------------> > Message: 3> Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:04:06 +0200> From: "William Kinghorn" <williamk at>> Subject: Re: Edubunto live disk> To: <edubuntu-users at>> Message-ID: <s5431d1e.017 at>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII> > Hi Carlos,> > It is a live cd, it is not installed on your computer, if you want to install then you must double click on the install icon, and follow the instructions.> > You do not need to install.> > There are applications that you can run from the Applications menu, by default Edubuntu does not have icons on the desktop.> > NB: The applications will run slow, as everything is being run from the CDROM.> > William> > > > >>> Carlos R Canas Sr <crcanassr at> 10/28/06 7:32 AM >>>> I downloaded Edubuntu live disk to review Edubunto for my wife class. I created the live cd and can bot from it. My problem is that when I boot the CD, Edubuntu gives me a choice to install or run the live disk. If I pick this choice, the only thing I get after the OS is loaded, is an icon to install Edubuntu to my hard disk. Since I am only reviewing it I do not want to install it, but I do not get any other choices. I was expecting to have icons for all the available apps. on the live disk without having to install it to my hard disk.I am running windows 2000 pro on my regular PC and I do not want to damage it as windoze is very particular. I have another PC running SuSE and I think I can install the disk on it. I was hopping to use the live disk to demo it at my wife school on one of their PC's without having to install it. As it is now is useless unless I can access the apps.Thanks,Carlos> _________________________________________________________________> Personalize your homepage with the news, weather, and photos you care about. Try it.>> > > > ------------------------------> > -- > edubuntu-users mailing list> edubuntu-users at>> > > End of edubuntu-users Digest, Vol 5, Issue 14> *********************************************
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