setting up ltsp

Philipp Schröder philipp at
Mon Oct 16 18:18:30 BST 2006

Hi Antonello,

Antonello Facchetti wrote:
> hallo,
> I'm installing edubuntu 6.06 in order to set up a thin-client lab.
> my server has got eth0  that will go to the internet and eth1, a gigabit 
> nic that will serve the thin clients.
> the installation process asks to configure only one NIC, namely the 
> "main" one.
> which one should be considered the "main" nic: eth0 (to the exitranet) 
> or eth1 (to the thin-clients) ?

Please note that Edubuntu 6.06 (Dapper) doesn't support a setup with two
NICs out-of-the-box. However, soon to be released Edubuntu 6.10 (Edgy)
does support this. You might want to test the Beta, it worked nicely for
me. Edgy has a lot more features compared to Dapper, like support for
sound & local devices (e.g. USB sticks) on the thin clients.

> what should I do in case I configured the wrong one?

I quote from the edubuntu-devel mailing list

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi
> On Do, 2006-08-24 at 08:10 -0400, Robert wrote:
>> I too, would like to run LTSP on Dapper without the Edubuntu Desktop.
>> I like the quick install guide. I am confused about DHCP. My DSL
>> modem/router handles dhcp upstream on the network before getting to
>> the Dapper box. I have two ethernet ports, eth1 for upstream and eth0
>> available for LTSP on the Dapper box. Does LTSP handle dhcp only for
>> eth0? Does this cause no conflict with the router dhcp upstream
>> connected to eth1? I prefer not to mess with the router config since
>> it it provided by my ISP. I am  a recent convert  so here's hoping my
>> questions are clear. Thanks much for the learning experience.
> if you configure eth0 to have the static IP, the ubuntu
> dhcpd will only register to that interface and leave the eth1 interface
> alone, its intelligent enough to only serve on static interfaces with a
> matching IP (indeed eth1 shouldnt should have a address as
> well, that wouldnt work, so make sure your router doesnt provide IPs
> from that range or change /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf *and* the IP of eth0 to
> match another network address)




Philipp Schroeder
DIN15 / Information Architecture & Interaction Design, philipp at

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