Timetable software

Paul Taylor paul at osict.org.uk
Mon Oct 2 16:37:43 BST 2006

Hi all:

Raffaella asked about some timetable software.  Jeff advised Schooltool
which I also advised off list.  I have not used it for a bit, but it seemed
pretty good.  The trouble in the UK is the strangle hold of Capita and SIMs
and the conservative nature of school managers who will not try other
solutions.  I appreciate there is a lot of potential problems over change
over, but I have yet to meet anyone who thinks SIMs is anything but pants.

I digress.  There is an excellent system called FreeMIS (www.freemis.net). 
It is tricky to set up, but worth the effort.  A more basic web based room
booking system which would give basic information of rooms and teachers etc
which is also eay to set up and use is mrbs (mrbs.sourceforge.net).


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