Edubunty 6.10 - "can't access tty" on client-side...

Jonathan jonsbh at
Wed Nov 29 19:39:55 GMT 2006


I got the same problem when there's lot of traffic on the network

When no data is transfered on the network and I try to boot up the thin 
client it works fine

for me it means that during this part of the boot sequence there's a lot 
of traffic between the server and the client(i didn't verify it)

hope it can help

ps : sorry for my poor English, I'm French...

Kory Mohr wrote:
> Hello everyone.  I've been lurking through the archives and on the
> Ubuntu forum for several days regarding a problem I'm having with the
> clients connecting to the thin terminal server.  I did some research
> last night on the LTSP site, specifically here which I'm going to try
> this morning:
> ot_filesystem_via
> Basically, when I boot up a thin client via PXE, it successfully
> receives the DHCP address from the server.  It looks like it's going to
> connect and the Edubuntu splash screen pops up.  Then, I receive the
> "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned of" with a very limited
> command prompt.
> Just curious to find out if there are additional steps I need to follow
> on the "getting started" page on the Edubuntu site.
> Thx much, in advance, with any info anyone might provide.
> Regards,
> Kory

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