2 questions - ltsp sound and unreliable booting

Rob Shugg zed at kinetic.com.au
Sun Nov 26 11:49:26 GMT 2006

Sorry for the delay in getting back with details, i'm caught up in end
of year madness...
I checked the export settings when starting programs from the menu and
I'm seeing:
export ESPEAKER=''
so that looks good.
I dont seem to be able to repeat my previous results now the only
sound that works on the client are:
-the test tones in sound preferences
-mouseover on an mp3 file on the desktop (top shows this as mpg123)

So I wonder if this is hogging the sound device. I tried to uninstall
mpg123 but apt says its not installed - I suspect its part of another
package, in any case I disabled it by renaming the binary and
rebooting - no joy sound still comes out of the server.

on the other issue I have tried this :
and so far it seems to have improved the boot reliability but I need
to do more testing to be sure


On 15/11/06, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2006, Rob Shugg wrote:
> > yep looks good
> > ~$ echo $ESPEAKER
> >
> >
> > but I did plug my headphones into the server and tested alsa from the
> > sound preferences - and yes the sound was comming out of the server
> > sound card...
> > Next I tried xmms from the command line and surpisingly it worked, i
> > could hear the mp3 playing from the client. So I thought Id give totem
> > a go- that worked too...
> It sort of sounds like the ESPEAKER environment variable is not set for
> programs launched from the gnome menus.  I'm not certain where it gets set
> and I don't have edubuntu to hand just at the minute.
> I think you can test it like this.   /usr/bin/firefox should be a wrapper
> script.  Open it up with an editor (you'll need sudo) and add this line to
> the start of the script
>         export >/tmp/firefox_env_vars
> Then launch firefox from the menus and take a look at /tmp/firefox_env_vars
> which should contain all the env vars as they are for firefox.  If the
> ESPEAKER is set, you should see a line something like:
>         declare -x ESPEAKER="".
> if not, that's a problem.  The same env vars should be available to other
> programs run from the menus.  Then try running firefox from the command
> line and you should see the ESPEAKER line in the file.
> > but after closing these down and restarting
> > them I get nothing again :-(
> > totem gives me :
> > video_out_xshm: received X error event: BadAccess (attempt to access
> > private resource denied) and no sound
> The fact that it didn't work a second time sounds sort of like a problem
> with esd hanging or something.  Is this repeatable?  Does any program
> produce sound at that point or is the problem just with totem?
> I would have thought the xshm error was an X issue, which shouldn't really
> affect sound.  It might be that totem stops playing due to it I guess.
> > on the other issue- this seems to be the last point the boot gets to
> > before the hang. I have googled a few references to it but so for
> > nothing definitive for edgy:
> > RPC: failed to contact portmap (errno -5)
> Sounds like the portmapper's failing to start on the client for some
> reason.  This would prevent any nfs file sharing from working, which would
> prevent the thin client from booting.  That it only happens sometimes might
> suggest a race condition in the init scripts, ie that portmapper has not
> started _yet_ at the point the nfs mount is called.
> Gavin
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