Hello and KDE on LTSP

nigel barker tech at hiroshima-is.ac.jp
Fri Jul 7 01:25:41 BST 2006

> #2: I can power the main machine on, power up the client, see it set up,
> log
> in, everything is fine and dandy. Now, if I log out, and power the client
> down
> [politely], then power he client back up, the client sets up, X comes up,
> but
> it looks like LDM [the LTSP login manager] doesn't start, and I'm back at
> the
> console, with a 'LTSP Login:' prompt. And I cannot log in. At all.
> Authentication denied. Power down client [ungracefully], power up again.
> Same
> result.

This happens to me sometimes. If I do a ctl-alt-F7 (ie tty 7) I  see the
graphical login page and am able to log in.


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