wireless adapters and printing

Pan, Richard rpan at bwl.org
Sat Dec 16 18:55:11 GMT 2006

1.  Was wondering if anyone knows of a wireless adapter that will work with edubuntu on a 
workstation - not a laptop.

2.  I've been printing from edubuntu to a laserjet 4050 and a laserjet 4250 and found that the 
margins are quite small (printing from emacs using a latex program) is there any way to adjust the 
margins or rather where should I be looking to fool around with the settings.

Thanks for everything Edubuntu is great, I really enjoy it.


Richard Pan
Director of Technology
The Birch Wathen Lenox School
210 East 77th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone (212) 861-0404 x-133
email rpan at bwl.org

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