Edubuntu in an existing network

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Thu Dec 14 21:43:28 GMT 2006


On Thu, 14 Dec 2006, François BARILLON wrote:

> Idea : is it possible to let the Windows dhcp do his work but enable
> that the Edubuntu could send the tftpboot?

On the one network, you should probably have one DHCP server only.  You
could have edubuntu do dhcp for the whole network, ie disable the existing
DHCP server.  Alternatively, you can probably get windows to serve the DHCP
network booting information -- I'm not experienced with this myself but I'm
sure I've heard of someone doing it.

> > Alternatively, do you have two network cards?  If so, which is the dhcp
> > server listening on? 
> No, just one card.

Fair enough.  An alternative setup is to plug one network card into the
main network and one into a dedicated thin client network.  This might be
simple to get you going for a demonstration.  You then tell the edubuntu
dhcp server to only listen on the interface which faces the thin clients to
avoid any dhcp confusion.

> To simplify the problem, we unplugged the Edubuntu server an another
> computer, linked them with a croos-over cable.

I see.  That should be safe alright.

> It's not a wireless card but the Edubuntu installer does'nt see it as a
> proper interface for dhcp.

That's pretty wierd.  What type of network card is it?  Could you reply
with the output of these commands:
	- /sbin/ifconfig
	- lspci

> > 1. No DHCP server responded.  Did you enable dhcp server on the edubuntu
> >    server?  Is it listening on eth0?
> Where can I see the interface it is listening?

You can test if a server is running by typing this command into the shell:
	ps aux | grep dhc

If you have only one network interface, I think we can presume it would
listen on that.  Near the bottom of this page there is information
explaining how to enable dhcp and setup thin clients.

I'd suggest making sure it's running and retry your test with the
cross-over cable and dhcpd running.  If it is running, we need to figure
out why it's not answering the requests.


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