Fwd: Re: Administration tools

nigel barker tech at hiroshima-is.ac.jp
Fri Dec 8 12:23:38 GMT 2006

I would like to say (again - sorry) that Skolelinux Tjener kicks arse as a
central server. You guys have done a fantastic job on it.
On the other hand, Edubuntu has a very nice desktop and LTSP server, with
better hardware recognition and more modern software (Skole is still using
OOo1, for example, and can't run the wireless cards on our laptops)

It would be fantastic for teachers like me, who don't know much about
systems and just need something that works, if edubuntu machines could
easily use Tjener, allowing network logins to home directories. I know
there is a skolelinux howto on this, but it doesn't work properly.

In my experience, windows computers function better in a skolelinux
network than edubuntu does, and I think that's just plain wrong. It
suggests to me that edubuntu is ignoring skolelinux, instead of working

Edubuntu doesn't have a central server solution. Please work with the
skolelinux guys instead of competing against them.

Thank you and sorry for the cross-post.


> Hi
>> there is redundancy that could be stimulating, but that is also
>> frustrating as we may redo something that already exists.
>> I wonder how we could help with more collaboration on all these
>> projects.
>> Is there also in debian a centralized tool that manage all the requests
>> ?
> Yes there is, the answer might be stupid but the idea behind it is a big
> one
> from which we all will get benefits.
> The tool is the BTS on bugs.debian.org
> Yes currently we are doing things twice or even more times and I
> completely
> agree that this is not neccessary.
> And I also see that we are all contributing into OpenSource and that we
> want
> to offer free software to our users.
> Another point which combines us is that we are using Debian.
> As you pointed out in a direct way (for instance as a subproject or a CDD)
> or
> even as Ubuntu which also syncs from Debian.
> So the best way is to always split the work and make sure that we are
> talking
> about specific packages and bring them into Debian.
> The easy example would look like:
> There is an interesting application which is needed. We are adapting it
> for
> Debian and debianizing it. Then we upload it to Debian. Then it is in
> Debian
> sid (unstable) and after some time it will show up in an official stable
> release and then it is automatically a part of Debian-Edu .
> In the meanwhile Ubuntu can do the sync and then it also appears there and
> all
> of us benefit from it.
> The point we all have to understand is that the following statement hurts
> us
> and is therefore not very helpful.
> "Having the application xy in our own repository (Debian-Edu or Edubuntu)
> so
> that we have an advantage in comparision to the other distros ."
> The package won't be supported by Debian infrastructure and we have to
> maintain it completely alone. With that we might succeed for 1, 2, 3, 50
> or
> whatever packages but one day we will come to our limit and then we will
> completely fail and can stop our work :(
> So let's join the forces and bring things into Debian. The same matches
> for
> translations. If we translate something in Debian it will also be
> translated
> for Ubuntu,Edubuntu, Debian-Edu, Linex, ...
> And even if we have some points in Debian which we don't like or which we
> want
> to improve, for instance wikis or translation tools, then we have to
> complain
> about it, find out how we can help by improving it and improve it and then
> we'll make life easier for the next generation.
> Thanks and Greetings
> Steffen
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