2 questions - ltsp sound and unreliable booting

Rob Shugg zed at kinetic.com.au
Sun Dec 3 03:56:05 GMT 2006

Just for the record I thought I should post an update on this:
Still having same troubles with sound - no progress there.

on the other issue - the unreliable boots, I have had some success. I
initially thought it had something to do with nfs and tried
and i thought this fixed the problem - i was i bit premature in this
assessment, the first few boots after this were just lucky so I
thought the problem was fixed -no so.
I then went on a tangent with bootchart, trying to get it to run in
the client boot so I could see where it was hanging. so far I have not
got that working but in the process i noticed  the "quiet splash"
directives in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux/default
I took these out so I could see what was happening at boot and now it
boots every time! - could it be as simple as a problem in the splash
progress bar?? I have now booted successfully 8 times with no problems
with the quiet splash directives I am lucky if I get one good boot in
three. Ive never been a big fan of hiding the boot process anyway...


On 27/11/06, Rob Shugg <zed at kinetic.com.au> wrote:
> Ok, so far the apps that send sound out of the server are:
> -xmms
> -realplay
> -totem
> Sounds that come out on the thin client are:
> -mouse over on mp3 file on desktop(mpg123)
> -test button in sound preferences
> I put the export line in the realplay script as suggested and found :
> export ESPEAKER=''
> in the output file so I think this maybe rules out possibility 2
> Also I have not been able to get any to the top three to work again
> from the command line, so Im not sure whats happening there - its
> probably dependant on some sequence of events i had done in the lead
> up to that testing that made them work...
> I put in a bug report last night as Im pretty sure this is a wrinkle.
> Ill add this extra info to the report to give a more complete picture
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/73346
> >
> > Is there an Edubuntu thin client troubleshooting page?  If not could we
> > start one on a wiki somewhere?  I have a few standard problems which need
> > documenting, eg problems caused by having two network cards in a thin
> > client (say an on-board and a pci pxe card).  The above issue seems like a
> > good one to get documented clearly.
> >
> Good idea. Im ready to help on that when this is worked out.
> rob

Chief Technology Officer
Kinetic Performance Technology Pty Ltd
Canberra, Australia

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