disable hibernate and keymap on thin clients

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 21:48:14 BST 2006


I have two problems.

1. Try as I might, I cannot get the keymap right on our thin clients.  The
   server is fine, but the clients are getting the us keymap.  I put
      XKBLayout = GB
   under [default] in /etc/ltsp/lts.conf and /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf
   (which is correct?) but to no avail.  I keep getting @ instead of ",

2. Out of curiosity I hit the Hibernate button presented when I click quit.
   To my shock and alarm the system went down.  And I mean the server.
   Both on my account and the users.  How do I disable this horrible
   @feature at .  

Many thanks in advance,

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