Cannot get X to start on some clients

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Aug 29 02:03:24 BST 2006

Am Montag, den 28.08.2006, 22:13 +0100 schrieb Gavin McCullagh:
> Would a carefully placed "sleep 2" in the login manager init script do the
> job as a workaround?
i dont see the phenomenon here very rarely, if someone who sees it more
often could try to add a sleep between the following lines
in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d/ltsp-client, that would be very helpful:

-------- snip ---------

        if pidof usplash > /dev/null; then
                /etc/init.d/usplash stop

        log_begin_msg "Starting LTSP client..."
        start_sound || true

-------- snap --------

just add it between the fi and the log_begin_message command, if it
helps permanently i can add it ...

-------------- next part --------------
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