Cannot get X to start on some clients

Brad Thomas bthomas at
Mon Aug 28 19:32:11 BST 2006

Thanks Gavin.  Yes, <ALT>+<F7> does the trick, and serves as a good 
work-around.  However, I would like to figure out how I can have it boot 
directly to the login to make the process easier for them.  I'm gonna do 
some more digging around on the 'net, and if I can come up with an 
answer, I'll let everyone know.

Gavin McCullagh wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Aug 2006, Brad Thomas wrote:
>> I have setup a lab for the school here running an Edubuntu server.  My 
>> clients are having problems though.  I cannot get them to load X at 
>> times.  This is what happens:
>> 1. I will boot one of my clients and it'll load up fine.
>> 2. I then boot a second client.  I get the following after boot in a 
>> terminal window (no GUI login screen):
>> ----------------------------
>> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS ltsp tty1
>> ltsp login:
>> ----------------------------
> Have you tried hitting <ctrl><alt><F7> when you see this screen?  I have
> yet to understand this behaviour myself but ferquently thin clients seem to
> boot to the text terminal instead of showing the X output (even though X is
> started).
> Actually, if someone knows the answer to this and how to fix it I'd be
> mightily interested.
> Gavin
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