Parental controls for Edubuntu?

Dan McGarry it.psl at
Tue Aug 1 04:51:18 BST 2006

Robert Citek wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2006, at 3:58 PM, Gavin McCullagh wrote:
>> The Squid web proxy has several content filters available including:
>> None of these are perfect, but they remove a fair bit of bad stuff.
>> Perfect content filtering is nigh on impossible anyway,

I have installed and managed several community-based computer centres 
serving youth in a country which has very strict laws concerning 
pornography (which is usually defined as nudity). I've tested both 
DansGuardian and squidGuard, and have found that, of the two, squidGuard 
has no strings attached and is ultimately easier to manage, although 
DansGuardian is the prettier of the two. squidGuard also plays much 
nicer with the server software I run (not Ubuntu, I'm afraid to say).

While we're all clear that content-filtering is very limited in terms of 
effectiveness and often draconian in its implementation, there are a few 
things that are actually pretty effective.

Probably the second best thing you could do is establish a transparent 
proxy server and write a simple script to display the contents of the 
squid access log to the parent/guardian on demand. I can show you a 
sample, if you'd like. Just ping me off list.

The best thing, of course, is to find a balance between trust and 
watchfulness in the relationship between adult and child. 8^)

Dan McGarry	it.psl at

IT Consultant
Community Communications Project

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