Hi All,<br><br>As I mentioned in a previous e-mail I really feel the need for maybe a dozen, well-made, wiki pages that describe how to set up a basic but fully functioning Edubuntu/LTSP Lucid server with the basic educational needs addressed. Probably lots of this already exists--my goal is to update them to Lucid AND perhaps most importantly, give them good visibility on <a href="http://edubuntu.org">edubuntu.org</a> so when a new person arrives there they are welcomed into our community with a helpful and informational 'red carpet'.<br>
<br>Here are a couple of initial questions:<br><ol><li>How do I get a link on the edubuntu page?</li><li>What is the official page on the edubuntu or ubuntu wiki for installing Lucid (hopefully with info on installing LTSP).</li>
<li>Which wiki should I add/update this content, ubuntu or edubuntu?</li><li>What is the relationship between these wikis and what is the vision for the edubuntu wiki?</li><li>I'm thinking I should start a 'specifications' wiki page on these dozen pages, on edubuntu wiki, right? Name?<br>
</li></ol>Thanks for your support,<br>David<br>