Hi All,<br><br>My students and I are using the Jaunty LTSP computers/server and they're working pretty darn well! Of course there are small issues and things that I can't do and I can live with that--as I'm saying the server is serving well!<br>
<br>Well, at home this weekend I upgraded my Jaunty desktop to Karmic, but instead of erasing and creating a fresh install as I usually do, I upgraded it. I popped in the Edubuntu DVD I'd downloaded and burned and chose to upgrade using the DVD as a source. It went SMOOTH! Lots of "Little" things that were only partly working on Jaunty now work great on Karmic! I've very happy with this upgrade. And all for very little time invested :-)<br>
<br>So, I got to wondering how likely an upgrade might work on my school server. These questions came to my mind:<br>-- What are the chances of this "just working": doing the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. on an Edubuntu LTSP server with 2 nics?<br>
-- What's the worst that might well happen--how fixable is it?<br>-- What's the best that could be expected? What are the minor things that would still probably need to be done.<br>-- Finally, How important is a fresh install on the underlying structure of an Edubuntu server? Is it worth all of the customization work that would be required to create the new one? That would be the question I, with knowledge, would have to make. :)<br>
<br>Thanks for sharing your opinion/knowledge,<br>David<br>