Hello...<div><br>My name is Tim and I'm an 8th grade teacher in Southern California trying to get a set of 6 to 7 computers set up in my classroom with Edubuntu.</div><div><br></div><div>I'm very excited about getting my mini-computer lab set up in my classroom. It's my 3rd year teaching, and am bringing in old hardware I've collected over the years for my students.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I'm curious, do people think the thin client set up is best, or is there a way for students to log-on to a stand-alone workstation but instead of logging in locally they log-in to the server and save all their files to the server as well? I know Skolelinux can do this, but I've had many problems with installing that, so now I'm pretty set on Edubuntu -- just now sure how fast the thin client connection will be as I can't seem a way in the documentation to let students log-on remotely to the server at a workstation -- seems like you can only do this if you get rid of the hard drive and use it as a thin-client.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Thanks to everyone.... I appreciate that this open source platform exists. I've always been a windows computer tech guy and so far am impressed with what I'm seeing with Linux.</div><div><br>