Hello all,<br><br>Please allow me to introduce myself...<br><br>I work with Save the Children in La Paz, Bolivia (<a href="http://www.savethechildren.org/countries/latin_america_caribbean/bolivia.asp">http://www.savethechildren.org/countries/latin_america_caribbean/bolivia.asp
</a>) on a new initiative within their adolescent program to teach ICT to communities in El Alto (just up from La Paz). While researching teaching materials and technologies, we stumbled across edubuntu and believe that it is the way to go for education initiatives, such as ours. You may have already seen emails from my colleague, Seth Hammock, about working in a lab in El Alto. We have not yet been able to use edubuntu to teach due to many obstacles in getting the Spanish language piece installed but the help that we can potentially get from the ubuntu community looks promising.
<br><br>I also founded an NGO called GAT (<a href="http://gat-bolivia.org">gat-bolivia.org</a>) here in Bolivia specifically dedicated to technology and education development in some of the poorest, most underdeveloped pueblos. We are working to get a shipment of computers (P3s) from the US (via World Computer Exchange) and get these computers in the hands of Peace Corps Volunteers and others working to improve education with computers. We also plan to assist in teaching materials and methods so that they can develop successful, sustainable projects. Within this, I hope to introduce them to edubuntu and other free, open-source technologies.
<br><br>I have been in Bolivia for nearly three years and completed my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nov 05.<br><br>Saludos and Regards, Jason<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Jason Ryer, Director GAT - <a href="http://www.gat-bolivia.org">
http://www.gat-bolivia.org</a><br>Cel: (591) 728 88381<br>