Samba4 and SSSD

Stéphane Graber stgraber at
Fri Sep 21 20:25:23 UTC 2012


At last UDS Jonathan gave me a work item to investigate the current
state of samba4 and sssd in Ubuntu 12.10.

I spent a bit of time the past two days looking at that and doing a
bunch of backports (in a PPA for now) for 12.04.

samba4 in Ubuntu 12.10 looks pretty good, it's relatively easy to
deploy, if you're lucky, debconf will even do the right thing.
Otherwise, just remove /etc/samba/smb.conf and call
/usr/share/samba/setup/provision manually.

Managing samba4 is reasonably easy with the samba-tool command shipped
with samba4. If you need more advanced configuration, the easiest is to
use a Windows machine with the active directory remote support tools

The easiest way to get Linux clients to work with samba4 is to start by
creating an unprivileged "binduser" account.
"samba-tool user add binduser" will do that for you.

Then on the client side, install sssd (apt-get install sssd) and write
something like that in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf:
domains = SAMBA
services = nss, pam
config_file_version = 2
sbus_timeout = 30
debug_level = 0

default_shell = /bin/bash

enumerate = false
cache_credentials = true
fallback_homedir = /home/%u

id_provider = ldap
auth_provider = krb5
chpass_provider = krb5

dns_discovery_domain =
krb5_realm = DOMAIN.NET

ldap_schema = ad
ldap_id_mapping = true
ldap_default_bind_dn = binduser at
ldap_default_authtok = password
ldap_user_gecos = displayName
ldap_force_upper_case_realm = true

As you can see, this relies on dns_discovery to find the server. If you
don't have all the right records in your DNS, you should be able to get
around that by also adding:
ldap_uri = ldaps://<ip>
krb5_server = <ip>

And then remove dns_discovery_domain.

I'm still working on getting Edubuntu Server into a nice shape so we can
try and ship it in Edubuntu 13.04 which will include a working samba4
server and an easy way to configure clients.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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