Announcing Edubuntu 12.10

Stéphane Graber stgraber at
Mon Oct 22 11:23:59 UTC 2012

On 10/22/2012 09:48 AM, Matt Johnson wrote:
>> ________________________________
>> From: Stéphane Graber <stgraber at>
>> To: Edubuntu Users <edubuntu-users at>; Edubuntu Developers <edubuntu-devel at> 
>> Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012, 18:15
>> Subject: Announcing Edubuntu 12.10
>> Hello everyone,
>> The Edubuntu team is very pleased to announce that Edubuntu 12.10 is now
>> out and available for download!
>> Edubuntu 12.10 is a regular release bringing updated software and a few
>> improvements.
>> For larger deployments and environments where a stable, well tested
>> system is preferred, the Edubuntu development team strongly recommends
>> staying on the Long Term Support releases (current release is 12.04.1).
>> LTSP users should also remain on Edubuntu 12.04 LTS as 12.10 is lacking
>> Unity support for LTSP and has been reported to be much slower than 12.04.
> Looking like a great release. Thank you.
> What is 'reported to be slower' on 12.10 LTSP than 12.04 LTSP... Is it specifically Unity under LTSP or the whole LTSP experience regardless of desktop environment?
> (Important decision imminent!)
> Thanks all.
> --
> Matt

Mostly Unity, though 12.10 also saw the inclusion of quite a few desktop
software depending on clutter which in turn requires 3D acceleration to
For those, the thin client will use llvmpipe to do 3D acceleration in
software, leading to pretty high CPU usage on the server side which can
easily slow down all your clients.

So unless you really need a lot of new software that can only be found
in 12.10, I'd strongly recommend using 12.04.1.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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