Getting rid of python-central and python-support for 12.04

Stéphane Graber stgraber at
Tue Jan 3 09:42:31 UTC 2012

On 01/02/2012 11:36 PM, Stéphane Graber wrote:
> On 01/02/2012 08:27 PM, Scott Howard wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Scott Howard<showard314 at>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 4:26 AM, Stéphane Graber<stgraber at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA512
>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>> One of our goals for 12.04 is to be an LTS, which means supporting all
>>>> of Edubuntu 12.04 for 3 to 5 years. To make that easier, we're trying
>>>> to limit our dependencies as much as possible.
>>>> We already got rid of freemind and geogebra to avoid inheriting all of
>>>> java and it's now time to look at our python packages.
>>>> A quick look shows the following list of packages that we ship and
>>>> rely on python-central or python-support:
>>>> calibre
>>>> edubuntu-menueditor (python-central)
>>>> lybniz (python-central)
>>>> opendict (python-central)
>>>> python-cherrypy3 (python-support)
>>>> python-gevent (python-support)
>>>> python-pyparsing (python-support)
>>> I'll take python-pyparsing. Patch is already in Debian BTS. I'll need
>>> a sponsor so I'll post the bug for it when it's ready.
>>> ~Scott
>> Ready for sponsoring:
>> Cheers,
>> Scott
> Thanks!
> I just uploaded it to Precise.
> That list is getting really short now. The pyparsing one shouldn't be
> too difficult, the wx stuff looks a bit scarier (mostly because of the
> Ubuntu delta).
> As a reminder, we only have these left:
> - python-cherrypy3 (python-support) (source: cherrypy3)
> - python-wxgtk2.8 (python-central) (source: wxwidgets2.8)
> - python-wxversion (python-central) (source: wxwidgets2.8)
> Cheers

I just uploaded python-cherrypy3, so we're now python-support free.
I'll see if I have some time today to deal with wxwidgets2.8 (not 
particularly looking forward to that ...).

Patches for gevent and cherrypy3 have both been submitted to Debian.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer

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