Planning for summer work/next school year

David Groos djgroos at
Mon May 30 22:21:55 UTC 2011

Hi Edubuntistas,

School year here in Minnesota is winding down, I'll take a bit of break,
then will be back to preparing the technology for the next school year.
I've had great success with 10.04 with localapps.  Next year I want to move
to Fat Clients.  I'm guessing I'm not alone in this.  My BIG QUESTION is,
which Edubuntu should I use: 10.04, 10.10 or 11.4?  I've seen some passing
comments on irc about this and some mention in this list-serve, but nothing
comprehensive.  Some specific considerations include:

LTSP 5/Fat Client ease of use/setup

Compatibility with SmartBoard

Effectiveness of Video Codecs

LDAP integration

User management (like, users and groups)

Permissions management (like, Sabayon)

Internet Proxy/Site white/black-listing

Client management (like sch-scripts or iTALC)

Jonathan--wouldn't a comparison table like they do on wikipedia, be useful
for something like this?  It would look nice on ;)  Actually,
what I'll do is take notes from this discussion and put it on a public
with its wysiwyg editing it's easy to make and share.

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