Upload permissions for edubuntu-dev

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 4 17:20:39 UTC 2011


The following Edubuntu contributors are applying for edubuntu-dev status:

* Alkis Georgopoulos
* Jonathan Carter (myself)
* Marc Gariepy
* Stephane Graber

All of the above mentioned have previously had upload rights to this
package set via the Edubuntu Council group, which owns the edubuntu-dev
group. Since ownership doesn't imply membership anymore we need to do
this in order to put things right. Stephane is already a core-dev, for
the rest of us it might affect certain edubuntu uploads depending on our
existing upload rights.

If you're in the Edubuntu Council[1] team in launchpad, please respond
with a +1/+0/-1 next to the applicants on this email.



[1] https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-council

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