Edubuntu and DebianEdu/SkoleLinux cooperation

David Groos djgroos at
Sun Feb 20 16:44:13 UTC 2011

I don't know all the ramifications here but the idea sounds good.   
Yes, remember this discussion in the edubuntu list-serves from a bit  
over a year ago (started on 1/20/2010)?   It was a fairly involved  
discussion on LDAP admin tools and at one point sbalneave ie Scott  
made a comment that seems germane to the discussion of a  
collaboration--it concurs with the idea that skolelinux 'has' an LDAP  
solution that would greatly benefit edubuntu.

Scott said in the middle of the thread...
> If I might proffer an opinion....
> LDAP's a "hard" subject.  It's:
> 1) Non-trivial to set up
> 2) Infinitely customizable
> 3) Lacking any discernable standard as to how you should lay out  
> your database
>   for authentication.
> So the problem is, every time you poke your head up and say: "Hey  
> guys, lets do
> X!" you're greeted by a chorus of "Yeah, but what about....", an  
> which point
> everybody stares at their shoes, goes "Hmmmm, interesting problem  
> <deep
> thought>" and the problem disappears off into the sunset for another  
> few
> months.
> I'm not blaming them.  LDAP *is* the single largest PITA to  
> configure/setup/get
> working, and it's deucedly difficult to try to make the "perfect"  
> tool.
> Both RedHat and SkoleLinux solved the problem by saying "You'll do  
> it our way
> and *like it*!!!!", with the end result that they have something  
> that works,
> but God help you if you want/need to do something different.   
> Debian, and by
> extention Ubuntu, is still waiting for the perfect, infinitely  
> customizable yet
> easy-to-use LDAP tool to come along.

So if this collaboration between edubuntu and skolelinux would  
increase the likelihood of having a good LDAP admin solution, that's a  
+1 from me.  And, on general principle, well-done collaborations  
between different groups with compatible needs is always a big win-win.


On Feb 18, 2011, at 9:33 AM, Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Rubén sent me this mail a few weeks back and in the meantime I got  
> some
> clarification.
> Basically the idea is that we ship with scripts that would make  
> Edubuntu
> integrate into a Debian/Skolelinux environment. Skolelinux/Debian-Edu
> currently has setup options to set up centralised authentication and
> some other services out of the box, so the idea would be that someone
> could use a mixture of Edubuntu desktops and a Skolelinux server if  
> they
> wanted to.
> I can't see a reason not to, and perhaps once we've integrated the
> client-side stuff we could perhaps later have a similar setup  
> available
> in Skolelinux available as a task in Ubuntu Server?
> I think we should collaborate with them on this, thoughts?
> -Jonathan
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Edubuntu and DebianEdu/SkoleLinux cooperation
> Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 14:03:11 +0100
> From: Rubén Romero y Cordero <huayra at>
> To: Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jonathan at>
> Hi Jonathan,
> As I told you in December I am now very much involved with the
> Debian-Edu team. I was elected into the board of FRISK last December.
> FRISK is a Norwegian organization working for the further development
> of DebianEdu/SkoleLinux and also working with the general promotion of
> Free Software for usage in the educational sector.
> Some notes that I have gathered so far:
> Debian/Ubuntu cooperation:
> * *buntu clients:
> * NFS and LDAP ready
> * Packaging a DebianEduTakeOver script in Edubuntu?
> WWW:
> *
> * Debian Wiki Article: *buntu Desktop into a DebianEdu environment
> * Documentation on using *buntu clients work better with a  
> Skolelinux server
> * Testing of packages that make *buntu clients work better with a
> Skolelinux server
> I was thinking about blogging on this, but I believe we should align
> regarding this issues. Do you have some intuitive feedback regarding
> these points or would you like to add points of cooperation yourself?
> Also FRISK/SkoleLinux is looking for sponsors. Do you think that
> Canonical would be willing to work with the organization helping with
> funds or organizing events such as development gatherings?
> Thanks in advance for your answers.
> Best regards,
> -
> Rubén Romero
> -- 
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