Ubuntu in Education resources from Canonical

David Groos djgroos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 01:05:23 UTC 2010

Nice!  Cool things are happening...

Belinda, I just got an e-mail from someone who was looking to install LTSP
on edubuntu lucid and was asking what he needed beyond the instructions on this
page <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/installlucid> I had written.  I
referred him to this
page<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/installLTSPlucid>as well as the
basicsetup page<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook/BasicSetup>.
>From my point of view, a critical resource would be a complete set of
tutorials on setting up a LTSP lab in a school with Lucid.  It needs an
easily-updatable pathway to create a 10.10 BasicSetup page...  With a good
'Hub' page Edubuntu would be open to many more tech inclined educators...

Good luck

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Caroline Meeks <caroline at meekshome.com>wrote:

> Hi Belinda,
> You might want to talk to Maine Open 1 to 1 (open1to1.org) they are a
> Ubuntu netbook remix remix that is being used by a couple thousand students
> in Maine on netbooks.  There are also deployments in NH and VT.  They just
> started last year, this year they are working on being more involved in the
> Ubuntu community.  We are also working to put Sugar, which is currently
> being ported to Ubuntu (Ubuntu Sugar Remix) into this remix also.
> I am working with the Boston area Ubuntu community and folks from Tufts and
> Harvard to do a stick based deployment in Somerville where we will give
> families in housing projects refurbished computers and each person in the
> family a bootable USB sticks with Open 1 to 1 (or maybe a different mix of
> software for the parents).  We will work with community computer centers to
> give classes and use these spaces to provide internet access.
> Hope that helps!
> Thanks for doing this work.
> Caroline
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Belinda Lopez <
> belinda.lopez at canonical.com> wrote:
>> Greetings all!
>>   I'm working on a short-term assignment to review and update
>> Canonical's Ubuntu in Education resources.  This includes making the
>> various websites easier to use for end user like students, parents,
>> educators as well as solution providers and others who want to do
>> business in the Education market place using Ubuntu and its
>> derivatives.  The Education sector is an important space on many levels
>> to both Canonical and Ubuntu.  I can't make any promises other than it
>> being a personal goal of mine to help drive the adoption of Ubuntu in
>> Education at every level so for starters I'm opening up the dialog with
>> the community on best to use the limited resources Canonical currently
>> has to develop some new content for the following audiences:
>> End users: students, parents, educators
>> School level adoptions: decision makers
>> District/regional deployments; policy makers
>> Solution Providers: those delivering services and hardware to the
>> Education sector.
>> If you have any thoughts on what each audience needs to know please
>> voice your thoughts here or email me privately.  I've also added this
>> item to the Edubuntu meeting agenda to help further the conversation.
>> Also, does anyone have idea of how many schools might be using
>> Ubuntu/Edubuntu? or if there is some place we can ask people to let us
>> know about their schools?
>> thanks,
>> Belinda/dinda
>> Education
>> Canonical
>> belinda.lopez at canonical.com
>> dinda at ubuntu.com
>> IRC: dinda
>> Office: Galveston, Texas
>> --
>> Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
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> Caroline Meeks
> Solution Grove
> Caroline at SolutionGrove.com
> 617-500-3488 - Office
> 505-213-3268 - Fax
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