Looking for testers - gcompris

Jonathan Carter jonathan at zanix.co.za
Tue Jan 5 16:51:36 UTC 2010

Hi Stéphane

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:55 AM, Stéphane Graber <stgraber at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I just uploaded gcompris 9.0 (released yesterday) to Lucid.

I'm not a heavy gcompris user but I am familiar with it so I gave it a bash.

> Changes include:
>  - Better separated activities
>  - New graphic toolkit
>  - Using SVG for theming

Hmm, I still quite big pixels on most of the interface so I'm not sure
how much of it uses svg yet. Perhaps it's purposely scaled down again
for performance?

>  - Changed to give a better rendering on widescreen displays
>  - A few new activities and updated activities

I went through all the activities and this is what I found:

Under "Discover the Computer":
1. On the first mouse activity where you have to reveal the picture,
there are some redrawing errors and some artifacts are left behind on
the screen.
2. The same with the fourth mouse activity where you have to click on
the white boxes

Under "Various Puzzles":
3. The Tangrim (first game) puzzle doesn't seem to work. There's a one
euro coin that's blurry and when I click on it nothing happens. I
might be doing it wrong though :)

Besides that it works very nicely. If someone could confirm the above
we can file bugs.

The word processor and chat is quite interesting as well.


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