Meeting Notes - 11 August 2010
Jonathan Carter (highvoltage)
jonathan at
Thu Aug 12 00:38:36 UTC 2010
Here's some notes from the meeting from a bit earler... Please expand if
I left something out :)
11 August 2010
== Present ==
• bencrisford (Ben Crisford)
• dgroos (David Groos)
• highvoltage (Jonathan Carter)
• mhall119 (Michael Hall)
• rockstar (Paul Hummer)
=== Technical ===
• Artwork package currently doesn't install gconf configuration, makes
it pretty much useless, highvoltage is working on it and it should be
uploaded today still.
• Dropping Qimo desktop option from installer, there won't be enough
time to do it properly
• mhall119 might still have some time to fix bug fixes in current
implementation at least
=== Documentation ===
• Basic but complete setup instructions
• dgroos will refine mandatory and non-mandatory list and indicate which
is useful for ltsp environments or not
• dgroos will be leading up documentation for edubuntu
=== Website ===
• Access rights to website has been fixed, we can now upload new theming
and set up an Edubuntu blog that gets aggregated to the Ubuntu planet
• We'll announce documentation project on the edubuntu blog
=== Educator reachout ==
• New website will have a section with stories from real users, whether
at schools or at home, explaining what works and what doesn't, giving
potential new users an idea of what Edubuntu currently provides in the
real world
=== Next Meeting ===
18 August 2010, 19:00 UTC
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