error in instr. for LTSP using DHCPproxy for Lucid
Alkis Georgopoulos
alkisg at
Tue Apr 13 22:54:12 UTC 2010
Στις 13-04-2010, ημέρα Τρι, και ώρα 15:36 -0700, ο/η Sameer Verma
> This page( says:
> ...
> Is it "ltsp-update-kernels.conf" or "ltsp-update-image.conf" ?
Thanks for noticing. I've updated the wiki, it should be OK now.
As Lucid is still in development, there were some changes and that part
wasn't updated properly.
* ltsp-update-image.conf is used now, not ltsp-update-kernels.conf.
* ltsp-update-image.conf now already exists, so there's no need to
create the /etc/ltsp directory, and the content should be appended to
that file (tee -a), instead of overwriting it (tee).
* I think ltsp-update-image --force is needed in order to
generate/overwrite the existing pxelinux.cfg/default, I put that on the
wiki, please confirm that this is indeed true.
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