IPSec implementation

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Sun Sep 6 15:50:06 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

M.Bhutta at surrey.ac.uk wrote:
> Hi All,


> I am a PhD student in University of Surrey working on Network security
> .. In my project, I have to work on the IPSec in Linux Kernel .. I have
> following questions, any level of help will be really appreciated.
> 1. I am new to linux kernel programming, any beginner book suggestion
> (many books are available in market).
> 2. I want to work on IPSec in linux kernel, so any kind of group, forum,
> book, tutorial on details of IPSec Implementation in Linux ..

I haven't done any IPSec on Linux for a while, though for kernel related
questions, you may find better help by contacting the group doing the
linux implementation (openswan/freeswan) or for ubuntu related work, by
contacting the ubuntu kernel team on their mailing list or (probably
preferred) on IRC (#ubuntu-kernel).

> 3. If I use Ubuntu rather than Fedora or Red Hat Linux, does it matter.
> In my understanding the linux kernel is same..  Or there any changes ?

The Ubuntu kernel isn't really a vanilla kernel but in general isn't
extremely far from the upstream kernel either. Vanilla kernel builds are
also available as .deb if you want to be sure that you are running
upstream non-patched kernel code (though that may introduce some
regression in hardware support and other things that the Ubuntu kernel
team added/patched).

> Thanks for help..

Sorry for not being to help you more, I hope you'll find your answers.

> looking forward for guidance..
> best regards,
> Nasir

- --
Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer
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