Clean up of proposed Edubuntu Member applications

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Tue Oct 13 17:03:47 UTC 2009


During our last meeting we discussed the state of the Edubuntu Members
Launchpad team [0], particularly the fact that we have about three
times as many "proposed" members as current members. The vast majority
of the proposed members are completely unknown to the Edubuntu team.
People seem to hit the "join" button for many different reasons.
Some people like to join every team with "ubuntu" in the name. Some
people want to express their support for Edubuntu. Some people want to
become contributors to Edubuntu. In all those cases joining the
Edubuntu Members team is not the right path.

The Edubuntu Members team is a special team that recognizes
significant and sustained contribution to the Edubuntu project by
granting all the rights and privileges of an Ubuntu Member [1].
Indeed, the Edubuntu Council has been delegated the authority to
accept people into this team by the Ubuntu Community Council [2].

We decided in our last meeting to purge the current list of "proposed"
Edubuntu Members on Launchpad so that we have a better idea of who is
actually requesting membership review by the Edubuntu Council. This
cleaning of the slate will allow us to hopefully start processing more
applications and grow the Edubuntu Members team. This will especially
be important as we look to elect three new Edubuntu Council members in
the near future as nominees to the Council are approved by a vote of
the Edubuntu Members.

So, if you get a rejection email from Launchpad and you want to become
an Edubuntu Member, don't worry. We will be giving out better
instructions ([1] is a good place to look for Ubuntu's version) on how
to get your application reviewed. We will also be setting up hopefully
in the near future a Launchpad team for all you who want to show your
support by becoming a "fan" of Edubuntu. We'll let everybody know when
that's in place.

Thanks for making Edubuntu a great project to work in and have a nice day!



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