Network issue on a cloned server

David Groos djgroos at
Sun Oct 4 21:26:24 UTC 2009

On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Gavin McCullagh <gmccullagh at>wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sun, 04 Oct 2009, David Groos wrote:
> > I believe that cloning, 'golden servers' from one machine to another can
> be
> > an effective implementation strategy for educators who are novice
> Edubuntu
> > users advocate FOSS.
> I guess there's an argument for it anyway.

I'm not advocating it as the best solution, only as one I understand and, as
a Linux novice, can implement (with a bit of help).  I guess what I'm really
advocating isn't this particular solution, but some *simple* solution that
an enthusiast needn't be an expert to implement, a solution that allows for
the simple set up of a thin client server with local-apps.  I've got to say
that you developers are doing a great job, Jaunty is a big step up from
Hardy from my nubie-perspective.  Also true is that I easily spent 80-100
hours this summer, along with another 30+ hours of other, knowledgeable
Linux (though not to LTSP) users locally to get the server working like I
need it to work.  Add to this the various people who have helped give
solve/add depth of understanding through this list server and through the
wiki.  AND, especially alkisg who spent hours on #edubuntu as well helping
me solve problems I encountered/created in the setup process and sbalneav
who got Sabayon working.  So, a semi-simple solution (from a novices point
of course) of setting up a robust server would be a great goal.

> > Hopefully it is simple.  I'm having a problem on the cloned machine
> dealing
> > with network settings.  Besides /etc/network/interfaces, what other file
> or
> > files do people think that I need to look into and maybe adjust to get my
> > server functioning with a new static ip address for the WAN-side NIC
> while
> > keeping everything else the same?  The server is serving thin clients
> using
> > localapps.
> /etc/network/interfaces is certainly the file you should be modifying to
> change a static IP address.  If that's really the only change I'm not sure
> what other file you should need to alter.  You would need to then restart
> the networking service (sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart) to actually
> apply that change.

It took the network person a bit to even get the restarting to work, but it
finally does.

> What problem exactly are you finding?
Please see above reply.

Thanks Gavin!

> Gavin
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