Edubuntu Meeting Minutes (2009-05-22)

Jordan Mantha laserjock at
Sat May 23 02:35:21 UTC 2009

The meeting was well attended with lots of new people (awesome!),
attendees included:
bencrisford, nestor, Timequeezer, abruptus, Svenstaro, Lns, LaserJock,
asanchez, pygi, Ahmuck, davidgroos, alkisg, jt4sugar, nubae, and some

* Agenda Item: Lns / nubae - Are they in Edubuntu-members yet?

Due to having only 2 out of 5 Edubuntu Council members still
available, it is necessary to reestablish the Council, which is tasked
with approval of new members. The Ubuntu Community Council, who has
delegated the membership approval to the Edubuntu Council, should be

  Action: LaserJock will send email to edubuntu-devel and Ubuntu
Community Council to figure out how to reestablish the EC

* Agenda Item: How to effectively advocate/market Edubuntu to
schools/school districts

Because the future of what Edubuntu will look like is still in process
it is difficult to have a specific discussion on potential marketing
and advocacy initiatives. However the idea of collaborating with the
Ubuntu Students team was brought up as a general strategy.

  Action Item: bencrisford is to email edubuntu-devel with more
details for the idea of working with the Ubuntu Students team on

* Agenda Item: How teams will be structured in future.

There are currently 14 non-LoCo Launchpad teams related to Edubuntu.
Many of the teams are no longer in use or are owned by people who have
left the project. A review needs to be done on the teams, and
evaluation of what teams are still needed, and work with Launchpad
administrators to do the cleanup. It was suggested by nubae to look at
how Sugar has organized their teams [1].

  Action Item: Lns will spearhead the Launchpad team cleanup process

* Agenda Item: Attracting developers/contributors to the Edubuntu project.

There was a lot of discussion about the lack of developers and
contributors in Edubuntu. There were lots of suggestions including:
  - demo videos to show potential contributors what kind of things are available
  - getting Ubuntu Students involved
  - something like Google Summer of Code, but for Edubuntu/Education
  - having more specific objectives and tasks for people to do
  - better documentation
  - mentoring

  Action Item: pygi to start thread on edubuntu-devel about building
the developer community
  Action Item: bencrisford to look into collaboration opportunities
with the Ubuntu Learning project

At the end of the meeting there was a general discussion of where
Edubuntu is heading and how to move it forward. A major concern is
that having Edubuntu as an add-on CD to Ubuntu has been a detriment to
users and caused a decrease in interest and users. Anecdotal evidence
indicates that a single installation medium is very desirable.
Everyone was also encouraged to read the Strategy Document [2] and
comment on it.

  Action Item: nubae and alkisg to look into the possibility of going
back to single install disk/media



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