a good place to put ideas for education and Edubuntu

Jordan Mantha laserjock at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 21 04:54:31 UTC 2009

Hi all!

I just wanted to point out a great resource for developing and
brainstorming ideas for Edubuntu. The guys at brainstorm.ubuntu.com
have rolled out a new release of their site, which has two nice

  * http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/edubuntu
  * http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/education

Brainstorm is really useful because people can put up ideas, have
discussions, and vote on possible solutions. It also allows developers
to make comments and mark ideas as "in progress" or "implemented". So
I'd encourage you all to take a moment to think about things that
would make Edubuntu better for you, your schools, and/or your students
and put them on Brainstorm.


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