Edubuntu on HP mi machines

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at
Fri Aug 21 08:43:54 UTC 2009

Hi Howard

Howard wrote:
> I lurk on this group (more like I get the emails and delete them).  I am a teach and I do not program. 
> I recently bought the HP mini's with "mi" on it.  The command line is gone (not that I would know how to use it...)  and I tried to add software and most of the tabs such as "education" are blank.
> HP says that's the way it is.  I have access the the Touchsmart design team but I didn't want to bother them with this one.
> Can I add the edubuntu software without doing a full install of edubuntu.  If I can keep "mi" I would like to for now.

I'm not familiar with "mi". Judging by a few google search results it
seems to be based on Ubuntu 8.04. The search results indicate that it
has Synaptic package manager installed. If you can get Synaptic running,
you can add the sources for a local mirror and then you'll be able to
install the Edubuntu packages from there.


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