The Future of Edubuntu

Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) jonathan at
Sun Apr 26 11:48:10 UTC 2009

Hi Edubunteros

I'm writing this message hoping to get some answers from Canonical on
the future of Edubuntu. I have just written a blog entry on the topic
[1] that explains in more detail why it's important to get these answers.

For Edubuntu to continue to exist and possibly one day flourish, we need
to find answers to the following questions:

1. What does Canonical want and expect from the Edubuntu project?

I think it's important the the Edubuntu community works closely in line
with the goals of its sponsors, but unfortunately Edubuntu's vision and
goals are very blurry at this stage.

2. What do our users and potential users want from Edubuntu?

Combined with question #1, the goals of Edubuntu can be shaped so that
it will be beneficial to both Canonical and our users. There are many
ideas in our community that can be implemented to improve the education
experience for our users, but we certainly don't want to feel like we're
stepping on the Canonical's toes either.



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