
Scott Balneaves sbalneav at legalaid.mb.ca
Thu Oct 16 18:57:54 UTC 2008

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:51:29AM -0400, Adrian G. Mowrey wrote:
> First of all, I want to thank you for your comments and suggestions. This is
> one of the many projects that U.N. tries to complete (Universal Education).
> I'm an Imagine Cup - Software Design competitor, and this was one of my
> ideas. I renounced to it because it's too large of a project for me to put
> it in practice, so that I can present it at the Imagine Cup - Software
> Design competition. Do you understand?

Yes, I understand the whole thing's probably too big for one person to

> I'm sure that there are a lot of
> things already started or done, but I would really like to see something
> really happening (helping everybody with education in general, not just
> primary schooling).

Well, that's what's being done with distros like Edubuntu, or Skolelinux, or

> Primary schooling is U.N.'s goal, but I think that once
> we make it happen, then everything is downhill.  I'm not referring only to
> Edubuntu to get all of this project done. We have to create that center
> (which already exists in the form of U.N.) and raise money from each country
> or city from within each country that actually is able to afford, and then
> start the project by using the Edubuntu (an Education platform that was
> already started). Do you understand?

Well, you keep saying "we".  Is this the Royal "We" as in Mankind in general,
or are you referring to a more specific "we".  Certainly, the Edubuntu
developers (of which there are only a few) are helping by working on Edubuntu.
I'm not sure your post was a statement of a general idea you had, or if you
were expecting the Edubuntu community to try and push forward your idea.

At any rate, if you're wanting to help with Edubuntu itself, you'd be most

> Are you a programmer?

A lot of people seem to think I am, but that's just good acting on my part. :)

> If yes, what do you recommend to a beginner to do to
> learn programming? Thank you. Have a great day.

Well, Python's a nice little language to get started on, and it's used a lot by
people in the Ubuntu community.  Perl's another strong contender, and Shell
scripting's always a good introduction to programming.  From there, you can
move into things like C, C++, etc.

(if (you (ask (Richard Stallman (He'd (tell you (Lisp)))))))

    printk("Learn C");


Scott L. Balneaves | "There are many causes I am prepared to die for,
Systems Department |  but no causes I am prepared to kill for."
Legal Aid Manitoba |    -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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