status report

Jani Monoses jani at
Thu Feb 7 12:09:28 UTC 2008

Jordan Mantha wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to give a status report on everything Edubuntu I've been
> doing/concerned with.
> First, I dropped rasmol from the ship-addon seed as it's just too old
> and is not very user friendly. I would prefer to get something modern
> and active like gnome-chemistry-utils or gchemical in it's place. Do we
> have an idea of size limitations for the new .iso scheme? I'm assuming
> there's plenty of room, but are we planning on adding any large apps?
> Secondly, I'm working on the squeak packages. It's not going to be

great, squeak (etoys actually) is an important part of the software on 
the OLPC laptop too. With the Sugar packages hopefully making it for 
8.04, an Ubuntu box will be able to more closely emulate and collaborate 
with the XO machines if squeak is working :)


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