Ubuntu Education Edition 8.04 Released - 24 April 2008
Richard Weideman
richard.weideman at canonical.com
Thu Apr 24 14:27:05 UTC 2008
Ubuntu Education Edition (Hardy Heron) 8.04
24 April 2008 : Edubuntu 8.04 Released
The Education team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu Education
Edition 8.04.
This release includes both Edubuntu for the Desktop as well as Edubuntu
Classroom Server for a thin client network environment.
About Ubuntu Education Edition
The 8.04 release brings a restructuring of Edubuntu as the Ubuntu
Education Edition. The education desktop and application bundle now
install as an add-on to a standard Ubuntu desktop installation.
Once the user has completed the standard Ubuntu install, they can then
use the Ubuntu Education Edition CD to either:
1. install the full Edubuntu education environment and desktop as a
single process
2. select individual Education applications from the Edubuntu bundle for
installation into their Ubuntu desktop environment direct from CD
About Edubuntu
Edubuntu is the education-focused environment for Ubuntu, installing as
a fast and easy add-on to an Ubuntu desktop. Based on Ubuntu, it offers
regular releases, a simple and intuitive desktop and a tight selection
of excellent packages suited for an education environment. The default
install bundle includes education and productivity applications, and
incredible variety of packages is available with a few clicks from a
global network of mirrors. Edubuntu now comes with the fully integrated
iTalc classroom management software allowing for teacher sharing,
monitoring and control of networked workstations.
Professional commercial technical support from is available from
Canonical Ltd and hundreds of other companies around the world. For
more information about support, visit http://www.ubuntu.com/support
The base Ubuntu 8.04 is a Long Term Support release (LTS)) and will be
supported for 36 months on both desktops and servers through our managed
software repositories. The desktop package manager notifier checks
automatically for security and maintenance updates / patches and prompts
from the tool bar for simple selection and installation.
The Edubuntu 8.04 add-on desktop and application bundle will be
supported for 18 months on both desktops and servers through our managed
software repositories.
Get Ubuntu Education Edition
Download Ubuntu Education Edition 8.04 here:
We recommend that all users read the release notes, which document
caveats and workarounds for known issues. They are available at:
Find out what is new in this release with a graphical overview:
Helping shape Ubuntu Education Education
If you would like to help shape Ubuntu or the Edubuntu desktop, take a
look at the list of ways you can participate at:
If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but
aren't sure, try asking on the #edubuntu channel on IRC.FreeNode.net, on
the Edubuntu Users or Edubuntu Developers mailing list, or on the Ubuntu
Edubuntu users:
Edubuntu contributors:
Ubuntu Education discussions:
Ubuntu forums:
More Information
You can find out more about Edubuntu and about this release on our
Richard Weideman
+27 (83) 321-2233
richard.weideman at canonical.com
Education Programme Manager
Canonical Ltd - Linux for Human Beings
More information about the edubuntu-devel
mailing list