Does Open Source make life easy????

nigel barker tech at
Wed Nov 14 12:25:44 UTC 2007

Maybe this is not that helpful, but I know there are a lot of LTSP 
installations in South Africa. Perhaps your organisation could get in 
contact with some charity/ NGO organisations there and ask them to help 
you? You know a lot of South Africans would take a trip to Swaziland to 
do voluntary work.

Can an ubuntu person on the list forward this to someone at ubuntu south 


CET wrote:
> Dear all 
> Thank you for your feedback, I have learned something like how to save
> openoffice document such that I could open it in Ms Word, because I did not
> know I was frustrated. I have also seen some emotion from some people; I
> would say what I wrote was my experience, my frustration. Its not like I was
> trying to look down on Open Source developer no. I do love open source and
> its not odd. 
> About getting help well it depends on which country you live in, like myself
> I live in Swaziland we lack the expertise you call anyone especially people
> working in computer shops you ask how something is done in open source but
> nothing. I have also been deep in the internet I would not find help, I want
> to confess that I have'nt find any help from the internet, it is link after
> link very frustrating.  One good example I wanted to know- how to use ISO
> master after downloading I just could not find it from the numerous links.
> On a positive note I am convinced my problem will be solved, please allow me
> to invite you to the project that I want to embark on, as this is going to
> make history in my country. I am working for Computer Education Trust (CET)
> in Swaziland. This is a non profit making organization installing
> refurbished computers to secondary and high schools in the country. I want
> to go open source and network the computers in all the schools.
> In July- September 2007, with my technicians who are not linux gurus we
> tried to setup an small network of three clients and server in the office.  
> We used edubuntu server 7.04 on the server, edubuntu desktop for the
> clients. 
> We used wireless network interface cards which comes with windows drivers.
> But luckily Edubuntu 7.04 does have Linux drivers for the wireless (CNet
> CWP-854). We wanted to boot from the network. But PXE is not supported. The
> clients are mainly p2 and p3. Another thing, we were hoping to get a small
> iso image that could be used in the clients instead of installing the full
> edubuntu desktop which also have all the application programs that are in
> the edubuntu server. We were able to find an operating system hurd-tiny-cd
> 20060722.iso.gz, unfortunately this os does not have drivers for the
> wireless. We don't have the expertise to bind the drivers. We looked in the
> internet but we could not find how to bind the drivers. From July to
> September we tried but with no luck and we decided to abandon the project
> and continue with the day to day management of CET.  You can imagine the
> frustration, the stress and headaches of chasing links and links. With
> schools closing early December we are hoping to resume the project.  But I
> must say I am counting on you in achieving this project.
> Please help we need to set up this network - open source and wireless. 
> Can we please work together in this project and please don't ask why I don't
> use cables? I have 300 wireless cards and fifteen access points that have to
> be put in 15 schools, what can I do with this equipment if it can all fail?
> Thanks 
> Sibongile Kunene
> .

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