Edubuntu Website Team/Management

Will van der Leij will at
Wed May 23 20:02:42 UTC 2007

> Now is a good time to talk about this. Matthew does have shell access to
> the server, we just need to give him admin access on the site. I'll
> co-ordinate this with him.
Thanks JC. Matt, I hope this make sense to you?

> I talked to Matt about this last night, because I noticed that the
> progress has been moving a bit slow. He said that he wasn't aware that
> he needs to tweak the Ubuntu website theme for Edubuntu, so we came up
> with a plan last night, he sent me the Ubuntu theme for some initial
> customisation, and after that he will do some fine tuning. By next week
> this time we should be able to have a preview of some sorts, and will be
> able to receive comments and suggestions. If anyone is interested in the
> progress of the next theme and layout, please try to attend the IRC
> meeting next week Wednesday.
Great, thanks for this. Looking forward to it!
We chatted to Ken Wimer about this at UDS as well (admittedly under a
Kubuntu BoF) and a spec was born. I just cannot remember what it was
called since it changed name and I can't find it. Was more to do with
look 'n feel though but I thought I'd cc Ken in anyway.

Will van der Leij

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