Project for Gaming thick clients

Jonathan Carter jonathan at
Wed May 16 16:25:36 UTC 2007

Hi Philippe

Philippe ENTZMANN wrote:
> I connected a dozen of thick PC in an Edubuntu server booting with PXE.
> With some tweaks I succeeded in running heavy OpenGL games with graphic
> hardware acceleration.
> I can switch game remotly and all clients switch at the same time.
> Works fine for me.
> Before adding more cool features, I would like to share experience with
> the edubuntu users ... and I'm quite lost !!
> Have you heard of similar projects ?
> How to submit my work for validation ? In which project/team ?

Yes, diskless full workstations are the way of the future, everyone will 
be doing it soon. This is already partially implemented in LTSP 5, but 
it's not implemented in Ubuntu yet, since we rely on an integrated 
authentication suite (such as LDAP and its friends) being 
auto-configured in Ubuntu. It is planned though, and we hope to have 
this implemented in Ubuntu in the future.

There are other projects that do this, such as lessdisks and drbl, 
although I'm not sure if either are still maintained. In the one project 
I worked in, we deployed 80+ sites running some of these diskless 
machines, which are set up similarly to yours, on top of LTSP in the 
Digital Doorway project (

I think the importance of 3D graphics and rich multimedia content is 
extremely important, since more and more educational applications rely 
on it.


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