Student Control Panel fails to show processes for any account beginning with letter B

James Goff james at
Fri Jan 26 19:06:28 UTC 2007

Quick Intro - I volunteer to manage the computer lab at my son's 
Christian school.  We have 15 workstations (from p1, 32mb ram - 1.4ghz 
Celeron, 256mb ram).  All boot from the server.  Server is 1.86ghz Core 
2 Duo, 2gig ram running edubuntu 6.10.

I am a fairly competent end user with linux, but not a programmer. 

Problem - Student Control Panel shows all of the students currently 
logged in.  When I click on the name of the student it shows their 
processes, unless the username begins with the letter 'b'.  If the 
username begins with the letter 'b' (i.e. bsmith), then the process list 
is completely blank.

When I am logged on remotely via ssh and using student-control-panel, my 
console continually repeats the following when I click on a student name 
beginning with 'b':

ERROR: User name does not exist.
********* simple selection *********  ********* selection by list *********
-A all processes                      -C by command name
-N negate selection                   -G by real group ID (supports names)
-a all w/ tty except session leaders  -U by real user ID (supports names)
-d all except session leaders         -g by session OR by effective 
group name
-e all processes                      -p by process ID
T  all processes on this terminal     -s processes in the sessions given
a  all w/ tty, including other users  -t by tty
g  OBSOLETE -- DO NOT USE             -u by effective user ID (supports 
r  only running processes             U  processes for specified users
x  processes w/o controlling ttys     t  by tty
*********** output format **********  *********** long options ***********
-o,o user-defined  -f full            --Group --User --pid --cols --ppid
-j,j job control   s  signal          --group --user --sid --rows --info
-O,O preloaded -o  v  virtual memory  --cumulative --format --deselect
-l,l long          u  user-oriented   --sort --tty --forest --version
-F   extra full    X  registers       --heading --no-heading --context
                    ********* misc options *********
-V,V  show version      L  list format codes  f  ASCII art forest
-m,m,-L,-T,H  threads   S  children in sum    -y change -l format
-M,Z  security data     c  true command name  -c scheduling class
-w,w  wide output       n  numeric WCHAN,UID  -H process hierarchy

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.  Let me know if there is more info 
I can give you to help troubleshoot this problem.


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