Packages to add to Edubuntu's 2nd CD

Simon Ruiz sruiz at
Thu Jan 11 12:43:05 UTC 2007

The impression I got was that the Student Control Panel is specifically an LTSP thing.
This won't do anything in an environment like ours, which is why I suggested iTALC.
Correct me if I'm unaware of something.
There is also quite a benefit to it being semi-platform-independent.


From: David Trask [mailto:dtrask at]
Sent: Wed 1/10/2007 1:42 PM
To: Simon Ruiz
Cc: mantha at; edubuntu-devel at
Subject: Re: Packages to add to Edubuntu's 2nd CD

"Simon Ruiz" <sruiz at> writes:
>iTALC ( - intelligent Teaching And Learning with
>Computers - This is a classroom management tool in the Big Brother
>tradition of keeping tabs on what the students are doing. It also offers
>all kinds of neat functionality to the teacher such as allowing the
>teacher to display their screen onto all of the students' screens. One of
>the neater aspects of this is that, for heterogenous schools like mine,
>there is both a Linux and Windows version of both the Master and Client
>sides of the application.

The new Student Control Panel will do this.

David N. Trask
Technology Teacher/Director
Vassalboro Community School
dtrask at

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