Jonathan Carter
jonathan at
Thu Feb 1 12:20:57 UTC 2007
Hi Doug
doug vega wrote:
> > thanks for your responce .
> I soon found out that not everybody wanted to use the same window manager ; is there a way to
> have different window managers for different users ( I still want to control who uses what )
Sorry, I mislead you! :)
14:01 < highvoltage> ogra: does LDM go through .dmrc and does it use
from it?
14:01 < highvoltage> ogra: I just want to know to give some kind of a
answer to doug who posted to the list
14:10 < cbx33> ping ogra
14:11 < ogra> highvoltage, it doesnt yet
14:14 < highvoltage> ogra: ok
14:14 -!- juliux [n=juliux at ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu
14:18 < ogra> highvoltage, oh, that answer
14:18 < highvoltage> heh
14:18 < highvoltage> ogra: yes :)
14:18 < ogra> highvoltage, he could just use a ~/.xsession ;)
14:18 < highvoltage> ogra: did I mislead him, is there a way to do it
14:18 < ogra> per user
So you could also run the desktop environment from the user's .xsession
file. This doesn't give you complete control over what each user will be
running, but I suppose a user that can figure out how to change their
session is capable enough of using an alternative desktop environment :)
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