Winbind Unmount Issues

Jim Kronebusch jim at
Thu Dec 27 14:03:36 UTC 2007

> # /etc/security/pam_mount.conf (the lines I changed)
> smbmount /bin/mount -t cifs  //%(SERVER)/%(VOLUME) %(MNTPT) -o
> "username=%(USER),uid=%(USERUID),gid=%(USERGID)%(before=\",\" OPTIONS)"

> smbumount /usr/bin/sudo /bin/umount %(MNTPT)

Well, I'll bet you know more about this than myself, but given it is the holidays here
and there are probably less users watching the list, I'll make a suggestion :-)

I am wondering if your line for smbumount is the problem?  The mount line looks to me
like it mounts with user privileges (not sudo), but the smbumount line wants to run
sudo.  Is it possible that the umount is run by the logged in user, and the logged in
user doesn't have sudo privileges, so the umount never runs?

Hope that helps.....but I'm sure you likely have a good reason that the sudo is running
and I don't know much about pam_mount.


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