
David Bruce dbruce at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Aug 30 20:00:18 UTC 2007


I'm the current upstream maintainer for TuxMath and TuxType - not that I have 
any answers.

>>When run from
> > the command line there was an error about being unable to find
> > /dev/sequencer

fwiw, the "open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory" message has been 
appearing at start of both TuxMath and TuxType since before I started working 
on the programs over a year ago.  It gets generated whenever SDL_mixer's 
MixOpenAudio() gets called - from what I can tell, /dev/sequencer was 
something used in the OSS API that isn't present on new systems that use 
ALSA.  In any case, sound has always worked fine on both programs despite 
this message.

Maybe the SDL mailing list <sdl at lists.libsdl.org> would be more helpful - I 
know that Bill Kendrick (the developer of TuxPaint and the original developer 
of TuxMath) follows that list, and he is much more experienced than I am.

Not sure this helps, but best wishes!

David Bruce

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