Braindump request for PyStart....
Nicolas Pettiaux
nicolas.pettiaux at
Sun Apr 15 16:57:36 UTC 2007
2007/4/15, Jason Brower <encompass at>:
> HI! This is Jason Brower. I am happy to announce my acceptance into
> google summer of code this year. As part of it I want to become a
> better part of the Ubuntu/edubuntu community and help make things better
> for students and teachers.
Thanks for this information. THis is exactely the kind of application
I was looking for.
> I can't move too far out of what the spec has said. But I would love
> any advice... and most importantly, I would like contact information of
> anyone willing to be a contact as this project progresses.
I would be willing to help with the translation of the application to
French. Indeed, I am a Belgian teacher (physics and numerical
analysis) and I am willing to teach Python to help in all my classes
(help with physics and replace matlab if possible). So, your
application would be very welcome.
But all my students speak French and not English. Hence my proposal.
I suppose that if the application uses gettext, for the menus but also
for the texts of the lessons, this will simplify the availability of
your application in many different human languages.
> So, as you can see.. I use gmail, add me to your contact list and I
> would love to chat with you.
I did.
> Thank you everyone that is willing to help me out. Hope to hear from
> all of you python fans!
Have you got any idea if you could present your application at
Europython 2007 and gather there support and help from Python users
and fans ? This takes place in Vilnius from July 9th till 11th, 2007.
Nicolas Pettiaux - email: nicolas.pettiaux at
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