
Edward Holcroft edward at
Fri Sep 29 10:53:34 UTC 2006

Sarita Friguglietti wrote:
> Hi, quick one to introduce myself. My name is Sarita from Netherlands 
> (ex South African). We are trying to install Edubuntu on second hand 
> computers that we will be shipping to 2 charity orgs in South Africa. 
> I've got more problems with the hardware itself than with software at 
> the moment, because we are getting some computers with only 32MB of 
> RAM!  Once these problems are sorted I will have more questions 
> regarding Edubuntu. I have tried running from CD ROM but I think it 
> will be easier to just install right away. Not all older computers can 
> install from CD ROM though, and that is another issue that I'm not 
> sure how to tackle. Can one boot up from a DOS floppy and then run the 
> EduBuntu install?

I'm afraid I don't think this is a sustainable approach. Have you 
considered stripping these machines of their drives and turning them 
into thin clients?

Here at NetDay South Africa we've been down this road of all kinds of 
refurbishment over the last ten years. I can tell you from our own 
bitter experience that refurbishing such old machines on a fat client 
basis cannot succeed in any ongoing way. btw even for a thin client 32MB 
RAM is a bit tight. Rather don't send stuff like that to South Africa: 
you'll just be shipping paperweights, which will be thrown away when 
they break six months down the line and poison the environment .

Edubuntu has everything you need for a thin client approach built right 
in (well almost). Why not give it a bash? In my view it's the only 
meaningful way to use these PC's as desktops.


To which charity orgs are you shipping in South Africa? And under whose 
auspices? I'm interested since NetDay is a non-profit organisation that 
supports Linux thin client systems in disadvantaged communities all over 
South Africa.

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