My Intro

Rollie Gutierrez regutz at
Sat Sep 23 07:23:18 UTC 2006

Hi, my name is Rollie, a Filipino. I came across edubuntu while checking out Linux distros. I've been wanting to switch to Linux OS. When someone suggested Ubuntu distro, I went to the website.
  I'm into trading used computer systems imported from Korea. It's then that I realized that I can help educate the Filipino youth by helping distribute Edubuntu. A free operating system at last. The cost of OS and softwares prevents us from educating the less fortunate kids.
  In line with the objective of EDUBUNTU community, I sincerely hope that I will be able to become a part of this endeavor, however small it may be.
  I will also be scouting for benefactors that have the same goal that Edubuntu has for financial support as the project would generally entail purchase of hardware and shipment to far away places in the Philippines. (I'm able to source a Pentium 3 system for approximate $100, which is good enough for an Edubuntu system.)
  More power to Edubuntu Team!
  For the future,

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