Edgy+1: Edubuntu for Secondary Schools & Edubuntu for Universities

Richard Weideman richard at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 18 10:20:11 UTC 2006


We have received many comments that Edubuntu is a good fit with Primary
Schools (i.e. younger kids at Junior Schools), but not older learners or

That comment is valid, because this was the first education audience
target for the product.

One of the areas we will be looking at for Edgy+1 is to provide
something more suited to the:
* Secondary / High School level
* Tertiary / University level

We are still working out how this will be delivered, whether in the form
of an Add-on pack, or theme / desktop / menu swap ...

Right now, we'd like to get suggestions as to the target requirements,
and we will debate the best method of delivery once we know what we are
aiming at.


* if you are involved at a Secondary or Tertiary level what would you
like to see ?

** if you are involved at a Secondary or Tertiary level, and are using
vanilla Ubuntu with your own choice of application installs, what do you
already have running that is proving useful to the educators and
learners ?

Richard Weideman
+27 (83) 321-2233
richard at ubuntu.com

Ubuntu Education Programme Manager

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